貝多芬鋼琴小提琴學校為各個年齡段、演奏水平、和音樂風格的學生們提供鋼琴演奏課程、小提琴演奏課程、和結他演奏課程。通過貝多芬鋼琴小提琴學校的一對一有效專業教學方法,以及長期循序漸進與時限快捷速成的兩種互補的教學方式,學生們可以按照自己的音樂造詣步調緩行、疾走、慢跑、或飛奔,並參加負擔得起的音樂科目,課程不會增加經濟負擔。從流行和簡單的音樂素描到深奧而復雜的奏鳴曲、迴旋曲、和變奏曲;從課堂到音樂廳,學生們可以感知和領悟音樂,聆聽和欣賞音樂,演奏富有思想內容的音樂,並與許多國際獲獎的導師們分享音樂世界的內涵和精髓 。
290 Huntington Avenue, 波士頓, 馬薩諸塞州 02115, 美國
熱線電話:+ 1 617 396 1796 電子郵件:bpswk@yahoo.com 網站網址:www.bpswk.com
Open today | 06:00 am – 10:00 pm |
貝多芬鋼琴小提琴學校位於 290 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, United States 附近。
地鐵: 乘坐 綠線 “E”號列車至交響樂站,步行2分鐘即可到達貝多芬鋼琴小提琴學校。或者
乘坐 橙線 至馬薩諸塞大道站,步行2分鐘即可到達貝多芬鋼琴小提琴學校。
公共汽車: 便捷的公共汽車有#1、#CT1、#39。
有關波士頓公共交通系統 MBTA(通常稱為“T”)的詳細最新信息,請訪問官方網頁 www.mbta.com
Our faculty is made up of highly trained and experienced musicians who are passionate about teaching. They are dedicated to helping students achieve their musical goals and to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
At Beethoven Piano School, we believe that music is an essential part of life. Our mission is to provide high-quality music education to students of all ages and levels, and to inspire a lifelong love of music.
Our faculty is made up of highly trained and experienced musicians who are passionate about teaching. They are dedicated to helping students achieve their musical goals and to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
Beethoven Piano School has been providing quality music education to the community for over 20 years. Founded by a group of passionate musicians, our school has grown to become a leading institution for music education in the area.
At Beethoven Piano School, we believe that every person has the potential to learn and enjoy music. We strive to create a positive and nurturing environment where students can develop their skills and creativity, and gain confidence and self-expression through music.
Juilliard School of Music, Eastman School of Music, Manhattan School of Music,
New England Conservatory, distinguished specialist:
Affordable Tuition. 20 Years of Professional and Extraordinary Teaching. Academic Education.
Internationally Experienced and Outstanding Instructors. Ideal Quantity, Exceptional Quality.
Suitable for All Ages, Levels, Musical Styles, Types, and Genres.
Copyright © Beethoven Piano Violin School. All Rights Reserved.
Loc: 290 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115. ET = UTC -05:00 / -04:00.
Tel: +1 617 396 1796. Eml: bpswk@yahoo.com. Web: www.bpswk.com.
因材施教,超完美理想的教學質量,合理實惠的學費價格 。
國際一級的專業導師,20 年卓越經典的學術教育和持續承諾。
地點:290 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115。時區 = 協調世界時 -05:00 / -04:00。
電話:+1 617 396 1796 電郵:bpswk@yahoo.com 網址:www.bpswk.com